
Welcome to Oh for Fun! Midwest

I’m so glad you’re here! My name is Michelle and I’m from the Midwest, more specifically, Minnesota. I absolutely love to travel, and I can’t wait to share with you all the wonderful experiences Minnesota and the upper Midwest has to offer!

What states are considered to be in the upper Midwest? I’m glad you asked! The upper Midwest states are Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin – and we are going to add Illinois. Whew! It looks like I have a lot of traveling to do!

I bet you’re wondering where the name, Oh for Fun! Midwest came from. Well in the Midwest we like to say, “Oh for cute!” when something is really cute, or we say, “Oh for fun!” when something looks super fun. Thus, the name, Oh for Fun! Midwest.

My goal on this blog is to inspire you to come and see Minnesota and the upper Midwest for yourself! I promise that the experiences I share with you are from places I’ve actually visited myself, and I will always give you my honest opinion. I may even poke a little fun at us Midwest folks once in a while – haha!

I will also include research and sources for each place in case there is more you want to check out before visiting. It’s so much fun to learn about a place before going, so you receive the full experience while you’re there!

As I mentioned on my About Me page, I would love to see where you’re traveling to in Minnesota and the upper Midwest! Go ahead and tag @ohforfunmidwest in your Instagram photos and stories and also on Facebook on the Oh for Fun Midwest page. I would love to share your photos!

Also feel free to send a comment on the Comment page if there is a place in Minnesota or the upper Midwest that is a “must see” for the blog.

Thank you so much for joining me on this journey!